Adoption Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * Address * Address 1 Address 2 City State/Province Zip/Postal Code Country What makes you interested in adopting from BFF? * What characteristics are you looking for in a BFF? * What experience if any, have you had with dog ownership? * How many hours of the day would your BFF be at home alone? * What is your current living situation? * I own my home I rent my home and haven't talked to my landlord I rent my home and have approval from my landlord I rent an apartment and haven't talked to my landlord I rent an apartment and have approval from my landlord Landlords name (if applicable) First Name Last Name Landlord's email (if applicable) Landlord's phone (if applicable) (###) ### #### Please select all that apply: * I have small children in my home I have large children in my home I have other dogs in my home I have cats in my home I have other animals in my home (spouse not included) N/A Are all family members on board to welcoming in a BFF? YES Mostly I believe so I haven't told them yet, but they'll be on board I haven't told them yet and am unsure Under what circumstances would you return a dog, or take a dog to a shelter? * Reference #1 Name * You will be asked for 3 total references, one may be family! First Name Last Name Relationship * Family Friend Co-worker Other Reference #1 Phone Number * (###) ### #### Reference #1 Email * Reference #2 Name * First Name Last Name Relationship * Family Friend Co-worker Other Reference #2 Phone Number * (###) ### #### Reference #2 Email * Reference #3 Name * First Name Last Name Relationship * Family Friend Co-worker Other Reference #3 Phone * (###) ### #### Reference #3 Email * Is there anything else you think we should know about you, and your family? * Thank you! With each application and commitment we are given such great hope. Thank you for being willing to help a pup in need. We will be in touch with you shortly on next steps! Welcome to the BFF family.